Fresh Breath

Fresh Breath
Fresh Breath Online Dental store
Completely mobile optimized
Immerse your audience with a completely mobile-optimized website, ensuring a seamless and responsive experience on any device.
days delivery
Experience the speed of innovation with our 2-day delivery, delivering a fully functional website tailored to your needs in record time.
High speed and SEO friendly
Powerful and fast – our websites are designed for high speed and SEO friendliness, maximizing visibility and user satisfaction.
Fresh Breath – ECommerce Store For Dental Equipment
Fresh Breath is an online store that sells dental equipment and cosmetics. They provide a wide range of products to suit the needs of all their customers. From toothpaste to mouthwash, they have it all! We created the whole ecommerce store including online payments, dynamic dashboards to manage, add, edit or delete products. We also created a reporting module which created different types of reports. This website has different roles which are dynamically managed from the dashboard. Technologies used: Backend: ASP .Net. Front End: React. Database: MSSQL